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18 Hikes To Enjoy In The Tri Cities By Our LIFT Outdoor Adventure Team

Lift Fitness & Physiotherapy

LIFT Outdoor Adventures is all about providing opportunities to try something new, or to do something, you don’t do often, in a supportive group. It's about getting outdoors and discovering local areas.

 Leaders Claire and Judith at LIFT Outdoor Adventures
Leaders Claire and Judith at LIFT Outdoor Adventures
We are there to support you along the way -One of us at the front and one at the back, no one left behind.
LIFT Outdoor Adventures is a safe, inclusive adventure that allows clients and friends to try new events and adventures that they haven’t had the confidence to do on their own or just need a little help getting started. Our role as leaders is to motivate coordinate and facilitate the adventure.

How To Join Our Outdoor Adventures

  1. First, start by subscribing to our events so we can let you know when they are happening.

  2. Check the LIFT Facebook Events We set the schedule in advance and the events are available on our page.

  3. Show up! We reserve or book the event, so all you need to do is let us know you are coming and then come!

We will give you an overview of what to bring and how to prepare for each adventure. We are there support you all the way. One of us in the front one of us in the back no one is left behind.

Here Is Our List of The Top 18 Hikes in the Tri Cities.

The Top 18 Hikes of The Tri Cities by LIFT Outdoor Adventures
The Top 18 Hikes of The Tri Cities by LIFT Outdoor Adventures

10 beginner Hikes/Walks

1. Mundy park -Coquitlam

2. Coquitlam River trail -Coquitlam

3. Traboulay trail -Port Coquitlam

  • 3A. Colony farms

  • 3B. Citadel landing (along river)

4. DeBoville slough/dyke (4 entrances on n. side) -Port Coquitlam

  • Cedar & Victoria 2 directions North or south side

  • Prairie

  • Dominion

5. Blakeburn lagoons -Port Coquitlam

6. Sasamat Lake- Anmore

7. Buntzen Lake -Anmore (part of way and turn around going west side across suspension bridge down road)

8. Admiralty point -Belcarra

9. Bert Flynn -Port Moody

10. Shoreline trail Rocky Pt -Port Moody

5 Intermediate Walk/Hikes

1. Jug Island -Belcarra

2. Sawblade falls -Burke Mtn, Coquitlam

3. High knoll -Minnekhada regional park, Port Coquitlam

4. Dilly Dally -Buntzen, Anmore

5. Buntzen all the way around lake, Anmore

3 Advanced Walk/Hikes

1. Backside of Burke Mountain -Port Coquitlam

2. Diez Vista, Buntzen lake, Anmore

3. Swan falls, South side of Buntzen, Anmore

Meet Claire and Judith from LIFT Outdoor Adventures
Meet Claire and Judith from LIFT Outdoor Adventures

We try to do a balance of some indoor and some outdoor adventures. We are always trying to keep things interesting and are totally open to new ideas.

Have an idea? Email us and let us know at


Background of LIFT Outdoor Adventures

We are local women, who have been friends for 20 years, and LIFT Fitness clients for over 10 years. You are most likely to see us at a 6 am class at LIFT sweating away in the back. Training with LIFT gave us the confidence, in our 40’s, to take up hiking and achieve some long-held dreams like hiking the West Coast Trail in 2015.

We aren’t going to lie, when we went on our first overnight hike we didn’t know what we were doing or have fancy equipment (picture massive backpacks for 1 night -you got it we overpacked!). We have learned a lot since that first trip and have now gone on yearly multi-day backpacking trips along the coast of Vancouver Island, Haida Gwaii, and most recently the Rockies.

Claire Brauner-Bain at LIFT Outdoor Adventures
Claire Brauner-Bain at LIFT Outdoor Adventures

We enjoy exploring local trails either by running, hiking, or snowshoeing in the winter. We know there are barriers to getting started hiking and are excited to introduce and assist you in discovering trails around the Tri Cities and lower mainland.

Claire - "I wasn’t a gym person. I was intimidated by gyms and not particularly coordinated (picture step aerobics). I have been a runner for a long time but I didn’t necessarily feel strong. I had young children and saw running as an easy way to get a break. When I met Shannon at LIFT, the encouragement and support to start from where I was at, and the push to improve, as well as the genuine community feel, hooked me. Shannon and the LIFT community have been there through the ups and downs of life. The difficult times, when boxing literally was an outlet for frustrations, as well as celebrations like champagne while snowshoeing to celebrate my engagement.

LIFT’s philosophy on fitness aligns with what I know as a teacher about learning, motivation, different ways of thinking and exposure to new things. LIFT's focus on balance and collaboration with other small businesses exposed me to yoga, nutritionists, as well as different types of physio.

Judith Hightower at LIFT Outdoor Adventures
Judith Hightower at LIFT Outdoor Adventures

The philosophy that working out is not just about being able to do weighted lunges, but in doing them I can improve my health so that I can do other things in life. Whether that is sports or recreation or being active with my family. Strengthening and pushing myself gave me the confidence to try hiking and backpacking, things I had wanted to do but I didn’t have any idea how to start.

I continue to work out because I know it helps with preventing injuries in running and because it gives me the strength to hike. Every time we are backpacking and climb up onto a rock there is a thank you given to our trainers. I can absolutely credit Lift for being 57 y.o and having the ability to carrying 40+ lbs for days in a row up and down mountains."

Join us: LIFT Outdoor Adventures
Join us for a LIFT Outdoor Adventure

I started with LIFT before it was even LIFT. In 2010 I was training for a marathon with my running partner, Judith. My running was ok but I needed something more. I joined a group of 4 for personal Training with Shannon, this was a game change for me, and I’ve been with Shannon and now LIFT ever since. The support, commitment and encouragement has been amazing from the start. LIFT has been part of my life for good times and hard times. I always feel motivated to do my best during my training and the benefits always surprise me.

LIFT has helped keep me active so I can keep up with my kids and start new adventures of my own. Such as multi day backpacking trips. Every trip always includes a conversation about which trainer and which killer workout made all the hard times of hiking doable. All those squats and weighted lunges totally pay off when climbing or descending the hills on multi day hiking trips.

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